Since early morning (gmt+1) the Facebook.getAuthResponse() command of the facebook-actionscript-sdk seems to be broken. It does not return neither the access_token nor the uid but return "null" instead.
This is very crucial for our facebook app, since we've been using this functionality very commonly.
One problem is our app init() function, but this is of course just one place where the command is used:
function handleInit(success:Object, fail:Object):void
if (success && success != null)
if (Facebook.getAuthResponse().accessToken)
{"redirect", appID,"publish_actions","...");
{"redirect", appID,"publish_actions","...");
Did anyone else encounter the same problem or knows a workaround?
This might be caused by this FB platform bug report:
Fix will be pushed later today. Until then, there's a workaround in that bug report.