I want to create a custom ft
which incorporates the c
syntax highlighting and a highlighting depending on the characters at the start of the line .
Suppose if I call the new extension .mib
. I can add:
syntax on
filetype on
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mib set filetype=c*
to display c
syntax highlighting for the .mib
If in the same source file there co-exists another set of codes in some other language which are pre-pended by a @@
How to distinguish [maybe in a different color other than that used for c
highlights] these lines keeping the c
code highlights for the rest of the code, if the prepended lines are a part of an undefined ft
How to include the dual syntax highlights, if the @@
prepended lines are a part of an already defined ft
I am also aware of
:setfiletype html.c
for dual highlighting but I am particularly interested in highlighting the prepended lines.
If your own autocmd is working well for you, you could just use another one to define a new syntax match for your new extension:
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mib syn match Error "@@.*"
This will highlight from each occurrence of @@
until the end of that line, using the Error
highlighting defined in the c.vim syntax file.
You can use any existing highlighting group you want, or define your own:
au ColorScheme * hi mibHighlight guibg=red gui=italic
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mib hi syn match mibHighlight "@@.*"