I'm trying to display Google suggested queries when a user types in a query into our search text field. Our goal is to combine Google suggested queries with the Scriptaculous Autocompleter.
Here's our code:
new Ajax.Autocompleter('q', 'autocomplete_choices', 'http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?q=test', {method:'get', onSuccess:format_autocomplete});
Fetching http: //suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?q=test from a browser and from curl works fine and displays the queries suggested for a given string.
However, the responseText in my onSuccess callback always shows the empty string ("") instead of the suggested queries.
Any clues?
Found the answer here: http://jimbojw.com/wiki/index.php?title=What_Would_Google_Suggest%3F
Briefly, the problem stems from security restrictions on cross-domain AJAX requests. The workaround is on-demand Javascript or Javascript on-demand (JoD).