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Obtain value for checked radio button

The following jQuery code actually works fine in MS IE8 but returns ‘undefined’ in MS IE6.

I have also checked other questions in Stack Overflow relating to my query but cannot find any info relating to IE6. I need this code to work in both browsers (IE6 and IE8).

I have the following HTML setup for my radiogroup:

<input type="radio" name="f10" value="abc123"/>

I also have the following code that seems to work fine in IE8 but not in IE6:

function processJob(){
  if ($("input[name=f10]:checked").val() != undefined){
     isDelgateFlag = "Y";
     var delgSelection = $("input[name=f10]:checked").val();
  else {
    isDelgateFlag = "N";
    alert("Please make a selection.");

As mentioned, the $("input[name=f10]:checked").val() seems to return a value in IE8 but returns ‘undefined’ in IE6.

How can I cater for both browsers?


  • Quote it f10

    if ($("input[name='f10']:checked").val() != undefined){

    OR Give a class to the radio button say foo and
