I'm doing an update to MySQL Database which includes MySQL scripts that make ALTER TABLE sentences, as well as DIU sentences (delete, insert, update).
The idea is to make a transactional update, so if a sentence fails, a rollback is made, but if I put ALTER TABLE sentences or others specified in http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/implicit-commit.html an implicit commit is made, so I can't make a complete rollback, because the indicated operations remains commited.
I tried to use mysqldump to make a backup which is used in case of error (mysql returns distinct to zero), but it is too slow and can fail too.
What can I do? I need this to ensure that future updates are safe and not too slow, because databases contains between 30-100 GB of data.
dump and reload might be your best options instead of alter table
From mysql prompt or from the database script:
select * from mydb.myt INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql/mydb.myt.out';
drop table mydb.myt;
create table(your table ddl here)
load data infile '/var/lib/mysql/mydb.myt.out' INTO TABLE mydb.myt;
Check this out:
I think it offers good guidance on "alternatives to alter".