Search code examples

Dynamic Tag Context Compliment

This is some of the information provided by the docs for dynamic tag contexts in acts_as_taggable_on...

@user = => "Bobby")
@user.set_tag_list_on(:customs, "same, as, tag, list")
@user.tag_list_on(:customs) # => ["same","as","tag","list"]
@user.tags_on(:customs) # => [<Tag name='same'>,...]
User.tagged_with("same", :on => :customs) # => [@user]

My question is how do I get a compliment of the custom tag list that I create. I want :tags - :customs, that is the set of all tags minus the specified tags of customs.


  • From their Github page:

    # Find a user that's not tagged with awesome or cool:
    User.tagged_with(["awesome", "cool"], :exclude => true)


    You could try:

    customs_tags = @user.tag_list_on(:customs)
    user_tags = @user.tag_list
    new_tags = user_tags - customs_tags
    @user.set_tag_list_on(:customs, new_tags)