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Multiple Colors In TextBlock

Is it possible to add dynamic colors to a TextBlock ..i.e. have one character in one color and the next in another color.

<TextBlock Text="{Binding no}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="10,0,0,0" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSubtleStyle}" FontSize="40" Foreground="#A400C4FF" >
  // Can we add something here to specify what colours for what chars

Basically I input a dynamic 4 character sequence from no. I've bound it to this TextBlock inside a ListBox. Is it possible to have the characters in different colors.

If so is it possible to add these colors dynamically for eg. If I click a button certain characters change color?

Thank You. Any Help is appreciated.


  • Actually, you can, which can come in handy when you're doing a StringFormat on a data bound Textblock or a number of other places.

    If you did want to try it though, like here's an SL example for a form label that puts a red asterisk next to the text Required Fields, but then can also add more stuff to it as shown in the example. Should work for Silverlight, WPF, UWP, etc...

          <Run Text="*" Foreground="#FFE10101"/><Run Text="Required Line" />
          <Run Text="Red" Foreground="Red"/>
          <Run Text="Blue" Foreground="Blue"/>
          <Run Text="{Binding SomeString, StringFormat='Hell ya you can make \{0\} a different color!'}" Foreground="Orange"/>