Django Guardian has two forms defined in, GroupManage and UserManage:
I would like to add auto-completion to these two forms, and the best way I assume to make that happen is to overwrite the group and user's field widgets (my first attempt uses django autocomplete_light.) The goal is to not need to fork django guardian.
So in my app's, I added the following code = forms.CharField(max_length=81,
"This group does not exist!"}, widget=ChoiceWidget(True))
I also tried using setattr to no avail. In the django shell it acts like this should be working, but when the admin page gets loaded the old group variable is restored, with the default CharField widget.
The fields defined for the class are stored in the dictionary base_fields
GroupManage.base_fields['group'] = forms.CharField(max_length=81,
"This group does not exist!"}, widget=ChoiceWidget(True))
Sometimes, it might be easier to alter a field attribute instead of replacing the entire field:
GroupManage.base_fields['group'].help_text = "New help text"