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How to use boost::is_same in c++ template along with boost::lambda::bind

I'm trying to connect a generic boost::function<void(void)> to many boost::signals2 of varying signature. I'm able to use boot::lambda::bind to do the binding part by passing the return value as part of the bind parameters, but have a problem when the return type is void


template<typename S>
class signal
 Connection VoidConnect(boost::function<void(void)> callback)
    //if(boost::is_same<void, typename S::result_type>::value) // Doesn't seem to work
    if ( boost::is_void<typename S::result_type>::value )  // Doesn't seem to work
       //GetSignal returns the actual boost signal
       // typename 'S' will be a boost::function with the same signature as the signal
      return GetSignal().connect( boost::lambda::bind(callback) );        
      typename S::result_type f;
      return GetSignal().connect( (boost::lambda::bind(callback), f ) );

I keep getting compilation errors

error: variable or field ‘f’ declared void 
include/boost/function/function_template.hpp:132:42: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

As can be seen from the error, the if condition with boost::is_void (neither is boost::is_same)doesn't seem to work, Does anybody know why? Is there a better way to do this binding?

Thanks, Sak


  • You check this condition at runtime, so the both branches need to be correct in the compile-time (and they are obviously not). Instead, just specialize your template for void:

    // WARNING: untested code!
    template<typename S> 
    class signal 
     Connection VoidConnect(boost::function<void(void)> callback) 
        typename S::result_type f; 
        return GetSignal().connect( (boost::lambda::bind(callback), f ) ); 
    class signal <void>
     Connection VoidConnect(boost::function<void(void)> callback) 
        return GetSignal().connect( boost::lambda::bind(callback) );         

    If you want to use enable_if on the member function, you should define it to be a template. See the following code:

    #include <boost/signals2.hpp>
    #include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
    #include <boost/type_traits/is_void.hpp>
    #include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
    #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
    using namespace boost::signals2;
    class connect
        template<typename S> 
        connection VoidConnect(boost::function<void(void)> callback, S &sig,
            typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_void<typename S::result_type> >::type *dummy = 0)
        typename S::result_type res;  
        return sig.connect( (boost::lambda::bind(callback), *res) );  
        template<typename S> 
        connection VoidConnect(boost::function<void(void)> callback, S &sig,
            typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_void<typename S::result_type> >::type *dummy = 0)
        return sig.connect( boost::lambda::bind(callback) );          
    int main()
        boost::function<void(void)> f;
        signal<void(int)> sig1;
        connect s1;
        s1.VoidConnect(f, sig1);
        signal<int(int)> sig2;
        connect s2;
        s2.VoidConnect(f, sig2);