Is it save to get substring n characters from a text in RPG using MOVEL function which take a text with length x and store it to a variable with capacity n?
Or the only save way to get the first n character is using SUBST?
The background of the question is one of my colleague getting the first 3 characters from a database with 30 char in length is using MOVEL to a variable with length only 3 char (like truncating the rest of it). The strange way, sometimes the receive variable is showing minus character ('-'), sometimes doesn't. So I assume using MOVEL is not a safe way. I am thinking like string in C which always terminated by '\0', you need to use strcpy function to get the copy save, not assigning using = operator.
Anybody who knows RPG familiar with this issue?
MOVEL should work. RPG allows several character data types. Generally speaking, someone using MOVEL will not be dealing with null terminated strings because MOVEL is an old technique and null terminated strings are a newer data type. You can read up on the MOVEx operations and the string operations in the RPG manual. To get a better answer, please post your code, including the definitions of the variables involved.
EDIT: Example of how MOVEL handles signs.
dcl-s long char(20) inz('CORPORATION');
dcl-s short char(3) inz('COR');
dcl-s numb packed(3: 0);
// 369
c movel long numb
dsply numb;
// -369
c movel short numb
dsply numb;
*inlr = *on;