I downloaded the example application and was surprised to see quite complex web request building and handling. Unfortunately I have not been able to find even one scrap of documentation about the service.
I tried using AddServiceReference in VS and svcutil.exe on the end points (both the http general one and the https region specific ones) which I found in the example project (again I couldn't find them listed anywhere on the web) and both seamed to find a wsdl of sorts which they both used to create wrapper classes. But neither one created an app.config
and no mater what kind of binding I set up for them, I can not get the client to communicate.
Is there any documentation for the service? Is there a way to use it with WCF?
Thank you
i have the same thing here, there are some non MS sites discussing this: - http://www.britishdeveloper.co.uk/2012/05/export-and-back-up-your-sql-azure.html - http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/287597/Sql-Azure-Import-Export-Service-bacpac-dac-Extract
There is also a DacSample site, but that doc is bit messed up, mixing the DAC client tools with the hosted solution. if i read the doc correctly and follow the links i end up going in circles. Not funny :)
Good luck! Pete