It is compiled with Lemon, which is a LALR(1) parser generator :
program ::= statement.
statement ::= ifstatement Newline.
statement ::= returnstatement Newline.
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B.
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B.
returnstatement ::= Return Number.
The error message is :
user@/tmp > lemon test.lm
test.lm:6: This rule can not be reduced.
1 parsing conflicts.
The debug output is :
State 0:
program ::= * statement
statement ::= * ifstatement Newline
statement ::= * returnstatement Newline
ifstatement ::= * If Number A statement B
ifstatement ::= * If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B
returnstatement ::= * Return Number
If shift 10
Return shift 3
program accept
statement shift 13
ifstatement shift 12
returnstatement shift 11
State 1:
statement ::= * ifstatement Newline
statement ::= * returnstatement Newline
ifstatement ::= * If Number A statement B
ifstatement ::= * If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline Else A * statement B
returnstatement ::= * Return Number
If shift 10
Return shift 3
statement shift 4
ifstatement shift 12
returnstatement shift 11
State 2:
statement ::= * ifstatement Newline
statement ::= * returnstatement Newline
ifstatement ::= * If Number A statement B
ifstatement ::= If Number A * statement B
ifstatement ::= * If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B
ifstatement ::= If Number A * statement B Newline Else A statement B
returnstatement ::= * Return Number
If shift 10
Return shift 3
statement shift 8
ifstatement shift 12
returnstatement shift 11
State 3:
returnstatement ::= Return * Number
Number shift 14
State 4:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement * B
B shift 15
State 5:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline Else * A statement B
A shift 1
State 6:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline * Else A statement B
Else shift 5
State 7:
(3) ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B *
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B * Newline Else A statement B
Newline shift 6
Newline reduce 3 ** Parsing conflict **
State 8:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement * B
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement * B Newline Else A statement B
B shift 7
State 9:
ifstatement ::= If Number * A statement B
ifstatement ::= If Number * A statement B Newline Else A statement B
A shift 2
State 10:
ifstatement ::= If * Number A statement B
ifstatement ::= If * Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B
Number shift 9
State 11:
statement ::= returnstatement * Newline
Newline shift 16
State 12:
statement ::= ifstatement * Newline
Newline shift 17
State 13:
(0) program ::= statement *
$ reduce 0
State 14:
(5) returnstatement ::= Return Number *
{default} reduce 5
State 15:
(4) ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B *
{default} reduce 4
State 16:
(2) statement ::= returnstatement Newline *
{default} reduce 2
State 17:
(1) statement ::= ifstatement Newline *
{default} reduce 1
0: $:
1: Newline
2: If
3: Number
4: A
5: B
6: Else
7: Return
8: error:
9: program: If Return
10: statement: If Return
11: ifstatement: If
12: returnstatement: Return
Take a look at state 7 from debug output. It describes the case when parser already accepted the next set of tokens:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B *
Here are two options that the parser can choose from when Newline token comes in this case:
Remember it and switch to State 6. This shift is prescribed by the next rule from your grammar:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B Newline Else A statement B.
Consider current rule as completed and return to rule of upper level. This reduce is prescribed by this rule from your grammar:
ifstatement ::= If Number A statement B.
LALR(1) parser has no other option as to fail in this case due to the fact that it can't take a look ahead for next tokens in the stream. It can't predict Else coming after Newline.
Revise you grammar to avoid this conflicting situation. I can only add that new line characters are commonly not included to the language grammar. Tokenizer usually consider them as token boundary similarly to other white space characters.