I type
in terminal it connects to mongodb. I have many database and collection there. I want to export my
`hero` (dbs name)
and its collection
to a desktop in new folder. By copying that folder and paste in another computer, I want to import that
`hero(dbs name)`
and its collection. Now when i type
show dbs
then there should be
in my second computer. How can i do this. I use mongodump also. can anyone give me the idea?
This is a good manual page from 10gen showing example commands and what not for doing what you want: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/backups/#database-dumps and http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Import+Export+Tools#ImportExportTools-mongodump .
So an example for you would be (to copy the collection):
mongodump --collection hero --database name
And then to restore it on the other computer after copying the output of the above command to the current folder where mongorestore is held:
mongorestore --collection hero --database name
I am unsure what OS you are using as such I have placed these in Linux command syntax.