I have this small problem with the DriveInfo Class. I know that the error is specific to the "IsReady" Property but I just don't know how to define it..
namespace Csp.Test.ConsoleApp
public class Program
public static void Main()
//Create the server object - You will need create a list of the server objects.
Server server = new Server();
//Get all drives information
List<DriveInfo> driveList = DriveInfo.GetDrives().ToList<DriveInfo>();
//Insert information of one server - You will need get information of all servers
server.ServerID = 0; //Here is necessery put PK key. I recommend doing the SQL server will automatically generate the PK.
server.ServerName = string.Concat("Server ", driveList.Count);
//Inserts information in the newServers object
for (int i = 0; i < driveList.Count; i++)
ServerDrive serverDrives = new ServerDrive();
//Put here all the information to obeject Server
serverDrives.DriveLabel = driveList[i].Name;
serverDrives.TotalSpace = driveList[i].TotalSize;
serverDrives.DriveLetter = driveList[i].VolumeLabel;
serverDrives.FreeSpace = driveList[i].TotalFreeSpace;
// server.ListServerDrives.Add(serverDrives);
//Add the information to an SQL Database using Linq.
DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext(@"sqlserver");
// db.Servers.InsertAllOnSubmit(server);
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Change the following line:
List<DriveInfo> driveList = DriveInfo.GetDrives().Where(x=>x.IsReady).ToList();
Note that you can still get an IOException if the drive state changes between getting the drives list and querying the DriveInfo, so it is best you use a try-catch when accessing the DriveInfo.