I have a model. I have notes that I add to that model. No problems there.
When I instantiate the view, I want to see if the data.objects has content in the note.
Where do I put the if statement? In the view render? And how do I test for it.
js and backbone noob here, so please forgive me missing the basics.
Lemme know and many thanks.
Any references to tutorials are welcome.
UPDATE: Here's the View for my model
var BlasterView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'blaster',
events: {
'click .td-blaster a': 'done'
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render: function(){
return this;
done: function(){
}, 600 ).delay(600).fadeOut('fast');
return false;
render: function(){
if( this.model.get('particularField') ){
console.log('Particular Field has a value');
console.log('Particular Field does NOT have a value');
return this;
If you mean that also the field is an instance of an object, just do this, check that particularField is not empty and also check that the nested property is set:
if( this.model.get('particularField') &&
"Backbone now supports the has property" (via: @TyroneMichael). So you can just use: