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Need jquery syntax to make slideToggle disappear when another item is touched - Mobile devices

Edit 1
This is about touch events. The intent is to have action (on mobile devices) with one touch -> extend, 2nd touch retract. Touch another item -> it extends & previous retracts.

Here's the rub: iPad 4.3.3 works great. iPhone 5.1 & 6.0, & Android 4 - 2nd touch retracts and extends. Not the desired effect. Check out an example here Thanks for looking.

Is this a bug in jQuery or the mobile OS's ?

$(document).ready(function () {   
    if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android/i))) {
        $('#nav li').click(function(){
            // attach a click event listener to provoke iPhone/iPod/iPad's hover event
            // Amended the next 3 lines 
            var $this_li = $(this);  
            $('#nav li ul').slideUp(function() {
                $('ul', $this_li).slideDown();
    } else {
        $('#nav li').hover(
            function () {
                //show its submenu
                $('ul', this).slideDown(200);
            function () {
                //hide its submenu
                $('ul', this).slideUp(200);         


  • First retract all the li's, then slidedown the clicked one in the slideup's callback. this way the clicked li slides down after the current li has been retracted.

    $('#nav li').click(function(){  
        var $this_li = $(this);  
        $('#nav li ul').slideUp(function() {
            $('ul', $this_li).slideDown();
    } else {
