Search code examples

No response was received. Either the request could not be opened or the request timed out ( for POST request )

I have a request which works fine when i hit the service using POSTMAN and POSTER plugins but when i try to hit load-balancing url i received ERROR.

ERROR in POSTER ( plugin ):

enter image description here

ERROR in POSTMAN ( plugin ):

enter image description here

Part of code:

@Path( "/" )
public class Check {
     public ResultSet rs;

     @Produces( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )
     @Consumes( "application/xml" )
     public String validate( String xmlContent ) throws Exception {
          String value = "no";
          String result = null;
          Boolean inputCheck;

          Contents unmarshalledValues = unmarshalingContent( xmlContent );

MIME Type Details:

Well, MIME type of xml

Example for consuming XML


  • Well, I have JAXRS to un-marshaller xml, so i removed


    it worked :)