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Visual Studio 2012 RC - Run Unit Tests after build - Specify test categories to run

In VS2012 (RC, soon to be RTM) is it possible to be selective about the (nunit) unit tests that run after every build? I love this feature, but I have two test categories/assemblies - one for actual unit tests that are expected to run quickly, another for database scheme and test generation data. I do not want to run the latter after every build, though I'd like to make use of this functionality for regular unit tests. Is there any way of specifying categories/assemblies/etc. that should be executed upon a successful build? Thanks JP


  • @Gishu is correct. If you apply a filter to the Test Explorer, the runner will use the results of that filter list when choosing tests to run.

    We will be continuing to add additional filter choices (e.g. Categories, Project, etc.) to the Test Explorer through and post-RTM. Stay tuned for more on this.