For example, if I'm in an html file and it type <
then tab, I'll get a list of !doctype
s that I can use. However "<!DOCTYPE html>"
is not included, and I would like to add it. How do I go about doing this?
Take a look at this repo for html5 omnicompletion.
Alternatively, you can copy $VIMRUNTIME/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim
to your ~/.vim/autoload
folder and edit it there. This will override it with your custom file.
> \ '!DOCTYPE html>',
< if &filetype == 'html' && exists("uppercase_tag") && uppercase_tag == 1 && item !~ 'DOCTYPE'
< let item = toupper(item)
< endif
< if item =~ 'DOCTYPE'
< let abbr = 'DOCTYPE '.matchstr(item, 'DTD \zsX\?HTML .\{-}\ze\/\/')
> if item == '!DOCTYPE html>'
> let abbr = "DOCTYPE HTML 5"
< let abbr = item
> if &filetype == 'html' && exists("uppercase_tag") && uppercase_tag == 1 && item !~ 'DOCTYPE'
> let item = toupper(item)
> endif
> if item =~ 'DOCTYPE'
> let abbr = 'DOCTYPE '.matchstr(item, 'DTD \zsX\?HTML .\{-}\ze\/\/')
> else
> let abbr = item
> endif
> elseif line=~ '<!DOCTYPE html>'
> let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html5'
> let b:html_doctype = 1
> break