I tried to add some GeoPoints
on my map but I've problems with some “special” points.
The range of the latitude value is +90 to -90 and therefore I want to add a point like the this...
int latitude: 85000000;
int longitude = 45000000;
GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(latitude, longitude);
...and after this I double check the latitude value with:
I always get a maximum value of 80000000 back. Can someone explain why google set this limit for a GeoPoint
and what the reason for this limitation is?
Your issue is with getLatitudeE6()
. GeoPoint
doesn't work near the poles. You're probably going too far north or too far south.
This behavior is by design. From the docs:
[The latitude] will be clamped to between -80 degrees and +80 degrees inclusive, in order to maintain accuracy in the Mercator projection.
Likewise, longitude is limited to -180 to +180.