I want to measure the time between mousedown event and applying CSS active property without using any jQuery functions (pure Javascript). I found that there is onactive event but it is not supported by Opera (the browser on which I want to make this measurement). Actually this onactive event is supported only by IE (not sure which versions).
htmlElement.addEventListener('mousedown', function(){var timestamp = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.warn('mouse down ', timestamp)})
htmlElement.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', function(){var timestamp = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.info('highlighted ', timestamp)})
This 'DOMAttrModified' event doesn't report when a button becomes active.
is a CSS pseudo-class, not a DOM attribute or property. It isn't possible or feasible to measure the time between mouse down and the time the :active
pseudo-class is set because of the single-threaded nature of GUI and code execution. Basically, by the time the mouse event fires, CSS and GUI updates are already queued and no event fires for when :active
is applied.
Still, I can't think of any valid reason for worrying about how long this process takes, you're probably better off forgetting about it and moving on.