I am using PhoneGap to develop and this is my Final Year Project which I need to document my implementation plan. Mostly people will use UML diagram for their projects but mine is using HTML pages and a table to navigate through the applications. I didn't use any class and object and I find it seems not logical to use UML diagram like class diagram, state diagram etc… Come across someone suggest IFML which I couldn't find any official published book (need proper reference for project) and there is little sites that mention about it.
My application user start application -> menu -> Mode 1 and mode2 — choose mode1 -> show mode1 levels — click level1 -> pageA
access database and display differently using pageA
as -> show rows of datas — after finish, return back to menu.
All these I navigate using HTML pages and I already use flowchart.
How should I model my application flow if mine is mostly use HTML pages? I don't have any classes for my application.
There are several modeling languages tailored to modeling navigation flows between web pages. One of the most popular ones is WebML (original link in wayback machine) but there are several others around, just search for "navigation models"