Another little bit which I am missing (as a beginner) I have a Backup script between two DB and as a final step I should optimise the real DB to reduce the size of the overhead. I have a code which works when I use only one DB but I need to use two:
$actconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $actdbuser, $actdbpass) or die ('act Error connecting to mysql');
$bckconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $bckdbuser, $bckdbpass) or die (' back Error connecting to mysql');
$ressql="SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $actdbname WHERE Data_free / Data_length > 0.1 AND Data_free > 102400";
- this should tell that bckuser is ignored, I believe...
$res = mysql_query( $ressql, $actconn);
echo mysql_error();
while($optrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $optrow['Name'], $actconn);
actconn value: Resource id #1
bckconn value: Resource id #2
mysql_error says:
SELECT command denied to user 'bckuser'@'localhost' for table 'actual table'
any idea what I do wrong?
UPDATE: bckuser should not do anything with it as actdbuser is the root of that DB, but some reason SHOW TABLE won't recognise $actconn...
I tried just the opt again and the only thing is changed is the $actdbname='db-name'; when working and $actdbname='db-name
' with the spec apostrophe;
please note this is on sharedhost so I can't change the DB name.
thanks @Corbin interesting idea, I tried and didn't work, but how could I debug it? I can't even debug it properly some reason...
You need to have a proper grant permissions to user 'bckuser'@'localhost' for executing SHOW TABLE STATUS
Unfortunately in MySQL 5.5 there is no separate grant option for this operation. Alternatively you can grant ALL
to this user or use root
user login for doing this operation.
see Grants Manual