I have an Ajax request that sends some data to a page and expects back a truthy or falsey value depending on if the data was saved. In my controller I do everything and set the content to a true or false value. I really don't want to create a view just to output 1 variable, so I was wondering if there was a way that I don't have to use a view and only use the controller to output simple strings.
I believe you cannot disable views completely, but there's a pretty simple workaround: you can create one view and use it for many actions.
Let's say we've created the view views/main/ajax.cfm
, what could be inside it? Obviously, simplest way is:
Personally I like returning JSON, it allows me to have status
field, plus data, if needed. This way my view looks like this:
<cfheader name="Content-Type" value="application/json" />
Any way, now in our action we need to do something like this:
// prevent displaying the layout
request.layout = false;
// force special view
// init response (according to the choice made earlier)
rc.response["status"] = "OK";
rc.response = "";
There's one more gotcha for this. Sometimes you don't want AJAX page to be accessed directly (like opened in browser), or vise-versa -- want to do some debugging when it is.
There's a cool helper isAjax
in CFWheels framework, it is easy to port to the FW/1. It could be as simple as adding method like this to controller:
* Check if request is performed via AJAX
private boolean function isAjax() {
Actually, that setup code above is also helper method in my apps:
* Set up for AJAX response
private struct function setAjax() {
// prevent displaying the layout
request.layout = false;
// force special view
local.response["status"] = "OK";
return local.response;
So in my action code whole check looks like this, which is pretty compact and convenient:
if (isAjax()) {
rc.response = setAjax();
else {
return showNotFound();
Hope this helps.