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"Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp" in Perl

I get the below error when i run the script: Could someone help me on this

Use of uninitialized value $user in scalar chomp at ./ line 38, <DATA> line 558.
Use of uninitialized value $modelName in scalar chomp at ./ line 39, <DATA> line 558.
Use of uninitialized value $Application in scalar chomp at ./ line 40, <DATA> line 558.
Use of uninitialized value $user in string eq at ./ line 42, <DATA> line 558.

The code is as below, could some-one help me on this:

my ($user) = $ARGV[0];
my ($modelName) = $ARGV[1];
my ($Application) = $ARGV[2];


if ( ($user eq "") || ($modelName eq "") || ($Application eq "")) {

sub usage {
  print "\tUsage : $0 User ModelName Application\n";
  exit (1);


  • The program is expecting parameters - user, model name, and application - on the command line and you have provided none

    There is no need to chomp a value passed from the command line as it will never end in a new line

    Your code is better written like this

    usage() unless @ARGV == 3;
    my ($user, $modelName, $Application) = @ARGV;