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Trying to write a basic main program using a function

I am trying to write a function to copy words from source memory to destination memory.

I have written the function but I am having difficulty executing the code. It is giving me execption 4 as an error


top: beq $a2,0,done 
lw $t1,($a0) 
sw $t1,($a1) 
add $a0,$a0,4 
add $a1,$a1,4 
j top     
sub $a2,$a2,1

jr  $ra     #return to the main program 
add $0, $0, $0  #nop 

I want to write a main program which calls this function to copy 800 words from address 0x50000 to 0x90000 in memory. But when I add the values in $a0-$a2 and run the code it doesnt work. Does anyone know how to fix it. (I am converting C code to MIPS which is why I have included a C tag



  •     .text                       # code starts here 
    main:                           # required label
        la      $a0,dest            # point to destination
        la      $a1,srce            # point to source
        li      $a2,1000            # move this many words 
        jal     block_copy          # call the routine 
        li      $v0,10
    #   block copy - moves $a3 words from $a1 to $a0
    #   register usage:
    #       $a0 address of destination 
    #       $a1 address of source
    #       $a2 block size (number of words to move)
    #       $v0 return code (0 means no troubles)
        move        $v0,$a2         # counter/rc 
        lw          $t0,0($a1)      # no DMA here
        sw          $t0,0($a0)      # we have to move a word at a time 
        addiu       $a0,$a0,4       # point to next word in destination
        addiu       $a1,$a1,4       # point to next word in source
        addiu       $v0,$v0,-1      # decrement counter 
        bgtz        $v0,bc_loop     # keep on moving if counter is positive 
        jr          $ra             # return to caller
        .word       9:1000          # destination 1000 words (all zeroes)
        .word       0:1000          # source 1000 words (all nines)