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Setting Y-axis for googleVis annotatedTimeLine

This is perhaps a very simple question but the help file doesn't seem to suggest anything helpful.

I am using googleVis to plot some data, however the absolute level is quite high, so I would like to set a minimum value for the y-axis for an gvisAnnotatedTimeLine function.

The below is an example...

df <- Sys.time()-100:1
df <-
df$k <- 9000:9099
plot(gvisAnnotatedTimeLine(df, datevar="df",numvar="k", options=list(min=8000)))

The resultant timeline has the y-axis staring from zero, but I was hoping for it to start from 8000 or any arbitrary number I choose.


  • This should fix the issues...

    df <- Sys.time()-100:1
    df <-
    df$k <- 9000:9099
    plot(gvisAnnotatedTimeLine(df, datevar="df",numvar="k", options=list(scaleType='maximized')))