I wouldn't want to talk too much, here is my code (I know it is not PDO, but it will once it can work). Almost everything working!!!
Now I am doing the logs and I am stuck! - UPDATE thanks to Michael some of it has fixed!
$statresult=mysql_query($statsql, $actconn) or die(mysql_error());
Optimize function too. This is not working with Multiple DB some reason...
The permission doesn't want to be right I have looked hours and I can't figure it out. A part from that everything works beautifully.
The code reads some rows from the real DB and moves them to the backupDB. But I want a cron job and email alert so I did an easy log (into a table) but it doesn't want to work... I can't even see any error log. Well: PHP Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/sites/stcticketing.org/public_html/back/asu1.php on line 34
// open db
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$actdbuser = 'user1';
$actdbpass = 'pass';
$bckdbuser = 'user2';
$bckdbpass = 'pass';
$actconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $actdbuser, $actdbpass) or die ('act Error connecting to mysql');
$bckconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $bckdbuser, $bckdbpass) or die (' back Error connecting to mysql');
$actdbname = '`web151-tevenyal`';
mysql_select_db($actdbname, $actconn);
$bckdbname = '`web151-bckproba`';
mysql_select_db($bckdbname, $bckconn);
//end opendb
function test($sqls, $states){
if ($sqls=1){
else {
$statsql="INSERT INTO `web151-tevenyal`.`tex_bcklog` (`what`,`how`,`when`) VALUES ('$states',$resflag,CURDATE());";
echo "<p>".$sqls."<br/>".$statsql."</p>";
$statresult=mysql_query($statsql, $actconn) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<p>".$states." - ".$resflag."</p>";
function db_rows($db,$ord, $connectdb){
$dbquery="SELECT azon FROM $db ORDER BY azon $ord LIMIT 1";
$dbresult=mysql_query($dbquery, $connectdb);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult);
$dbrow = $row['azon'];
return $dbrow;
// end of functions
//config information...
$acttable = 'adat';
$today = date("yW_Hi");
$newdb = $bckdbname.".test_".$today;
test($permsql, "grant");
test(1, "backupstart");
//creating log table for backup results
$backtablesql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tex_bcklog` ( `azon` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`what` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `how` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `when` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`azon`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;" ;
$firstact= db_rows($actdbname.".".$acttable,"asc", $actconn);
$lastact= db_rows($actdbname.".".$acttable,"desc", $actconn);
if ($lastact-$firstact>50000) {
//create a new table
$permsql="GRANT SELECT ON `$actdbuser`.* TO `$bckdbuser`@'%' ;";
test($permsql, "grant");
$perm = mysql_query($permsql, $bckconn) or die(mysql_error());
$newdbsql="CREATE TABLE $newdb LIKE $actdbname.`$acttable`";
test($newresult, "createdb");
$newresult = mysql_query($newdbsql, $bckconn) or die(mysql_error());
// copy all the data
$query = "INSERT INTO $newdb SELECT * FROM $actdbname.$acttable WHERE $acttable.azon < $upto";
test($query, "copyrows");
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// so what has happened...
$delquery = "DELETE FROM $actdbname.$acttable WHERE $actdbname.$acttable.azon < $upto";
test($delquery, "deleterows");
$delresult = mysql_query($delquery, $actconn);
// then tidy up everything:)
$res = mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Data_free / Data_length > 0.1 AND Data_free > 102400', $actconn);
while($optrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $optrow['Name']);
else {
test(0, "nothing");
// send an email to confirm what's happened - thanks:)
// close db
Please fix it first and then comment any PDO unless the solution itself:) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Inside the function that is failing (it is done correctly in the other function db_rows()
), your database resource link variables are out of scope. Pass them to the functions as parameters:
For example, pass one in as $connection
function test($sqls, $states, $connection){
if ($sqls=1){
else {
$statsql="INSERT INTO `web151-tevenyal`.`tex_bcklog` (`what`,`how`,`when`) VALUES ('$states',$resflag,CURDATE());";
echo "<p>".$sqls."<br/>".$statsql."</p>";
$statresult=mysql_query($statsql, $connection) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<p>".$states." - ".$resflag."</p>";
Then call the function with the correct connection as in:
test($permsql, "grant", $actconn);