This is similar to a previous question that I asked, with one variation. I would like to know how to merge multiple topics into one (using @chunk) and then have other child topics that can be navigated to in the HTML output:
Real-world example:
and task
types.Despite many efforts I cannot get the nested topics to remain individual. They either merge with topic1+topic2+topic3 or they disappear from TOC altogether.
Given that there are 7 individual topics of assorted types, I would like to write a map that produces the following HTML output:
Okay, after a lot of tinkering I have found that the following generates the desired output:
<!-- chapter.ditamap -->
<topicref href="objects/overview.dita" type="concept" chunk="to-content">
<!-- topics to combine with parent -->
<topicref href="objects/visualising-objects.dita" type="concept"/>
<!-- changing-the-object-size.dita = nested topic -->
<topicref href="changing-the-object-size.dita" type="task" chunk="to-content"/>
or another slightly cleaner markup (imo):
<!-- chapter.ditamap -->
<topicref href="objects/overview.dita" type="concept" chunk="to-content">
<!-- topics to combine with parent -->
<topicref href="objects/visualising-objects.dita" type="concept"/>
<!-- changing-the-object-size.dita = nested topic -->
<topicref href="changing-the-object-size.dita" type="task" chunk="to-content"/>
This generates 2 HTML files, one for "Overview + Visualising Objects" and another for "Changing the Object Size" which is nested within "Overview + Visualising Objects".
Unfortunately I cannot place the combined topic into its own separate map:
<!-- chapter.ditamap -->
<!-- objects.ditamap = combined topic -->
<topicref href="objects.ditamap" type="dita">
<!-- changing-the-object-size.dita = nested topic -->
<topicref href="changing-the-object-size.dita" type="task"/>
(any ideas guys?)
But, at least I have found a solution!