I run this website http://www.gipote.dk where users can create ads to sell dogs, puppies and equipment for pets.
The ad-creation process is a wizard-like flow over multiple pages.
I want to change this wizard in several ways - not just the content, but the order of the pages - and want to A/B test the outcoming results.
The flow can end up in one of the following results:
Since we already use Google Analytics, I thought about using their "Content Experiment" module for this testing, but it seems to be for testing only 1 page's content at a time.
Any thoughts about how this could be accomplished? In GA or with another tool?
Bonus info: The site is created in Rails 3.0
I will be able to send the user to different ending-page-urls based on the type of Ad created.
The start urls will probably be:
www.gipote.dk/annonce/new (this is the current version)
www.gipote.dk/annonce2/new (the new version - a complete new controller)
/ Carsten
There are gems to make this easy for you. See Ryan Bates's screencasts on Split and A/Bingo.
Links: http://railscasts.com/episodes/214-a-b-testing-with-a-bingo