I'm building a 2D robot simulator GUI for my autonomous robot vehicle.
I plan to keep the GUI simple. It consists of a vehicle (represented by a blue square picture), and some obstacles (cones, wall, etc, represented by yellow circle and red line respectively).
The vehicle must be able to move (as in the blue square must be able to move on the GUI) and be able to show its velocity and steering (float values) and its status (string) on the GUI.
I plan to use C# and Windows Forms to do this task, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to it. I remember using picture box a few years ago and I was not able to change the position of the picture box in real-time, or something weird like that.
Just wondering if you guys know a better way to do this. Is Windows Forms the way to go?
I've just moved from Ubuntu to Windows, so I am quite new at .Net stuff.
Here's what I've got so far http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/708/guilo.png/
Future plans may dictate a change, but for what you describe Windows.Drawing should work fine. The only problem may be if you are using timers for updates, as it may not be fast enough for you.
So, how fast of an update rate do you need?
How much like a game framework will you actually need?
You may want to look at a tutorial like: