In a Carbon app I need to convert an HFS style MacOS path into a POSIX one that can be used in an fopen() call. For example:
my Vol:myFolder:myFile.jpg
to something like:
/my Vol/myFolder/myFile.jpg
If my Vol is my sytem disk, /myFolder/myFile.jpg works just fine, but if it's on a different volume, it does not work (ie. my Vol/myFolder/myFile.jpg fails.
How to I specify the volume here?
An approach that avoids hard-coding (consider a volume not mounted in /Volumes/
, such as a manually mounted one.)
CFStringRef myHFSPath = CFSTR("Macintosh HD:Some Folder:Some Subfolder:Some File");
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, myHFSPath, kCFURLHFSPathStyle, FALSE);
if (url) {
UInt8 posixPath[PATH_MAX * 2]; /* Extra-large because why not? */
if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, TRUE, posixPath, sizeof(posixPath)) {
posixPath now contains a C string suitable for passing to BSD and
C functions like fopen().