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With clause does not work linked server

I've been connecting to an oracle 10g server using ms sql servers linked server feature and for some reason i am unable to use the with clause. Does this clause only work in in the pl/sql console or is there something i can do to make it work with linked servers as well?

The error i am getting is

Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot process the object "

Edit: Just thought i'd add that i'm using openquery to query the linked server

    WITH assignment_t AS (
        SELECT ''1x'' ID, 2 type_id, 554 assign_id FROM dual UNION ALL
        SELECT ''1x'', 3, 664 FROM dual UNION ALL
        SELECT ''2x'', 2, 919 FROM dual UNION ALL
        SELECT ''2x'', 4, 514 FROM dual
     ), type_t AS (
        SELECT 1 type_id, DATE ''2009-01-01'' create_date FROM dual UNION ALL
        SELECT 2, DATE ''2009-01-01'' FROM dual UNION ALL
      SELECT 3, DATE ''2009-01-03'' FROM dual UNION ALL
       SELECT 4, DATE ''2009-01-04'' FROM dual
     FROM assignment_t a
     JOIN type_t t ON (a.type_id = t.type_id)
    ) AS QUERY



  • According to, the target of OPENQUERY must be an OLE DB data source; "This is subject to the capabilities of the OLE DB provider."

    My guess is that the OLE DB provider does not know how to process the WITH clause, in spite of the fact that the Oracle database itself can (at least, since 9ir2).