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How can one modify PS1 to display time in right most corner?

Currently it is displayed as follows

export PS1='${white}[\t] ${blue}\W:${red}$(__git_ps1)${white} \$ '

enter image description here

I'd like to experiment with the same set up, but time displayed in the right most corner.

How can i modify my PS1 export for this to happen please?


  • Don't think there's any way to right justify items on the prompt using PS1 in bash (pretty sure there's easy ways to do this in zsh though). You can try writing a function for the PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable and have it print the time with right justify, something along the lines of:

    print_pre_prompt ()
        TIME=`date +%H:%M`
        printf "\e[1;37m%$(($COLUMNS))s" "${TIME}"

    Here, the \e[1;37m is the "white" color.