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How relevant or outdated is the Mootorial at this point?

I'm looking to learn MooTools, and the Mootorial seems like the most complete, comprehensive place to start. But it says that it's designed very specifically for MT v. 1.2 and it seems that we're now on like 1.4.5. So, I'm wondering, will learning from that MooTorial be doing myself a disservice, or is it worth it?

Alternatively, feel free to answer the question What is the single best tutorial to learn mootools from scratch for someone coming from a sort of shallow jquery background?

As a side note, is the nettutsplus premium tutorial any good if anyone's tried it?



  • mootorial is still pretty relevant. api changes have not been that significant since the 1.2.5 days. of note are: event delegation is now a part of core. all methods that had $ in the name have been deprecated. the rest is pretty much the same... some best practices may have shifted but for a new starter, it is more than adequate, see the full list of breaking changes here:

    if you are familiar with js, I very much recommend reading a book written by Mark Obcena - Pro Javascript with MooTools, look it up on Amazon. It is probably not for an absolute beginner but it is written extremely well and explains what happens under the hood.