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How to get access to handler id from Gtk.Builder.connect_signals

I have a Glade file with some buttons and I use Gtk.Builder.connect_signals() to connect methods (on_button_toggled) with the corresponding signals (toggled). (It is acutally quickly which does that for me, but I can see and change that code, so that is only a detail).

What I want to do now, is stop a signal from being processed, e.g. though a call to object.handler_block(handler_id) or object.disconnect(handler_id). So my question is: how can I get the handler_ids for connections created via Gtk.Builder.connect_signals()?

Normally you would get the handler_id from a call to one of:

handler_id = object.connect(name, cb, cb_args)  
handler_id = object.connect_after(name, cb, cb_args)
handler_id = object.connect_object(name, cb, slot_object, cb_args)  
handler_id = object.connect_object_after(name, cb, slot_object, cb_args)

but the Gtk.Builder version does not return the ids.


  • Sadly, I don't believe that there's any way to get at the signal handler IDs that were connected by Gtk.Builder. If you really want the handlers, you have to manually connect your signals, storing any handler_ids you care about.

    An alternative approach is to decide that you don't actually need the handlers themselves, but can block/unblock/etc. based on the connected callable, using GObject.handler_block_by_func and similar.

    The final option is to try to actually find the handler after the fact, using as many details as you can. In C, use g_signal_handler_find; this isn't bound for pygtk2, but presumably will work using pygobject3. The downside here is that there's no guarantee that you'll find what you actually connected.