1-The code below displays the properties of the pressed key.Try it by pressing a key and observe the results.
figure('Name','Press keys to put event data in Command Window',...
you will see outputs like this( e.g upon pressing space bar)
Character: ' '
Modifier: {1x0 cell}
Key: 'space'
2-Now simply add the following line of code to above ( or simply execute it before clearing the workspace)
Now press any key and nothing happens! the control will no longer be transferred to your costume call back function! ( here:@(obj,evt)disp(evt)).
same thing happens for WindowButtonDownFcn, WindowButtonUpFcn too.
How can I get around this? I wanna be able to handle KeyPressFcn or WindowButtonDownFcn after executing cameratoolbar('SetMode','orbit').
I found the answer: Once the cameratoolbar('SetMode','orbit') is called one of these two happens:the handle to the figure is lost or the event handler gets its default value. I am not sure which one though. Therefore we can add the following code to re-assign the lost handler back to our own call back function: