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I need plugins for Edgewall Trac

I need the following plugins for Trac (if exist):

  • Diagrams: Gantt and other;
  • Export to MS Excel;
  • Dashboards: control panels, monitors


  • Some pointers in order of your request with some remarks, citations from the plugin description or own experience if applicable:

    • for Gantt diagrams there are actually multiple choices (in total absence of own experience roughly in order of likelihood of usability):
    • ExcelDownloadPlugin - using this myself: works great, there's even i18n support on the way
    • WhiteboardPlugin - not totally convinced here

    More generally I recommend TracStatsPlugin to you for making a nice bundled view with navigation to sub-pages on topics (repo, ticket, wiki). It looks tidy and useful, and it has a responsive maintainer.