I want to create a custom optimized matrix operation (a smart kronecker product based on what I know about the sparse matrices i'm using) using MathNet.numerics for csharp.
Is there an accessor to get the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix? (or indexes? Or iterator thereof? or CSR representation?)
You can use IndexedEnumerator
to access only the non-zero elements in your matrix. Method signature is:
public override IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int, double>> IndexedEnumerator()
For example, the following code:
var mtx = new SparseMatrix(new DiagonalMatrix(3, 3, new[] {1.0, 1, 1}));
foreach (var tuple in mtx.IndexedEnumerator())
Console.WriteLine("({0},{1}) = {2}", tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3);
will yield the following output:
(0,0) = 1
(1,1) = 1
(2,2) = 1