Loading bundle from memory is possible by NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory function. Does anyone have successful experience in this area? Does anyone have working sample for this function? My code is as:
text srcPath = "/Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit";
data_t data;
void *addr;
kern_return_t err;
NSObjectFileImage img = nil;
NSObjectFileImageReturnCode dyld_err;
err = vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t *)&addr,
data.length(), true);
if(err == 0)
//err = vm_write(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)addr,
//(vm_address_t)(char*)data, data.length());
memcpy(addr, (char*)data, data.length());
if(err == 0)
dyld_err =
NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory(addr, data.length(), &img);
// error is NSObjectFileImageFailure
The img variable is null (error is NSObjectFileImageFailure). Why?
From the manpage, it looks like only MH_BUNDLE
files can be loaded with NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory()
and friends.
files are explained here.
The MH_BUNDLE file type is the type typically used by code that you load at runtime (typically called bundles or plug-ins). By convention, the file name extension for this format is .bundle.
Note that that manpage is for 10.4 and there does not appear to be a newer version available.