I'm working on a stereo disparity program, I have left and right images that I'm trying to read in. However I'm getting an error when trying to debug, but it works fine if I just build it...So I've just reduced the code to something very simple...
#include <bunch of opencv bits...>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
Mat Left= imread("Left.png", 0); //read images as grayscale
Mat Right= imread("Right.png", 0);
while (true) {
Running with debug (F5) I get to the line imshow("Left",Left); and it crashes, reporting OpenCV Error: Bad flag (parameter or structure field) (unrecognized or unsupported array type) ....blah blah
Stepping through the code I can see that nothing is read stored in Left or Right
However where things get really confusing is if I just build the program (F7) and run the .exe from explorer (Misc Projects\SteroExp\Debug).... it runs completely fine.
My thoughts.... Does VS run the debug version from a different temp directory somewhere on the PC where the images aren't stored?
I'm using... W7 64bit, VS2010, C++, OpenCV 2.3.1
First, double-check that the working directory in Project | Properties | Debugging > WorkingDirectory is set to a directory that contains those two files.