i have a problem with FCK editor. i want to obtain a value in the Fck editor, the editor is in a form view and i cant use Find Control to reach it. U may ask dude why do u want to obtain value in Fck? because i'm trying to write a Update code and my one field must have FCK editor.
i mean i can use Find Control to reach my textboxes in my FormView like that;
TextBox txt_my_text=(TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1");
and then i can use its value like that cmd.Parametres.Add("@param",txt_my_text.Text);
but i wanna reach the Fck Editors value, please help.
You do it in the same way as with any other server control (ex a textbox).
FckEditor editor = new FckEditor(); //You need to create a new instance of the editor
var abcd = editor.Value;
What you do is create a new instance of the FckEditor class.
Also probably best to HtmlEncode the value:
var abcd = server.Htmlencode( editor.Value;)