So this is related to a prior question I posted - how to remove 4.3 simulators. I stupidly installed the iOS 5.0 Simulator, and now the technique offered in my last post does not work. When you remove the 5.0sdk, then restart Xcode, it forces you to install the legacy simulators or quit.
I even deleted Xcode 4.4 and re-installed it to no avail (it must store my unfortunate choice deep in the preferences file).
The reason I want to get rid of it is that the Scheme popup now has 5 options in it instead of 3, making it a real pain to test a Universal App.
When I cd to ~/Library/Caches/
I see:
$ ls
I have both Xcode 4.4 and 4.5DP3 on my machine, so assume that the first two files are one per Xcode release - in any case I moved both to /tmp.
The earlier suggestion had been to remove:
In addition to removing the iPhoneSimulator5.0.sdk folder, delete the corresponding .dmg file in ~/Library/Caches/
. Then Xcode will not force you to reinstall it anymore.