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How to get time in AM and PM from a DateTime String in Android from a .vcs file

I am parsing a .vcs file and it just has the date-time in the below format. For example-The start date-time of the event is in the below format:


Since I have this string I can easily find out the values of hour, mins, day, month , year etc. and display it easily in readable format. But I want to show AM and PM also with time. How can I do this? Which Android function can I use to get AM and PM from this string. Any help would be appreciated.


  •                      hour = StartDate.substring(9,11);
                 minutes= StartDate.substring(11,13);
                 hoursofday = Integer.parseInt(hour);
                 minutesofday = Integer.parseInt(minutes);      
            datehid.setText(String.valueOf(hourOfDay-12)+ ":"+(String.valueOf(minute)+"pm"));
            datehid.setText("12"+ ":"+(String.valueOf(minute)+"pm"));
            datehid.setText(String.valueOf(hourOfDay)+ ":"+(String.valueOf(minute)+"am"));