I want to create an drupal page Template depending on the url alias. Her my current situation:
I create a page named test
, the url alias is test
, too.
The page template, based on this docu - http://drupal.org/node/1089656 is: page--test.tpl.php
I cleaned the drupal them cache, but there is still the default page template shown for this page.
What could be the error?
doesn't work because Drupal is using the real path of page--node--#.tpl.php
. To get Drupal to recognize aliased paths, you have to add the aliased path as part of the theme suggestions like so:
function MYMODULE_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
// only do this for page-type nodes and only if Path module exists
if (module_exists('path') && isset($vars['node']) && $vars['node']->type == 'page') {
// look up the alias from the url_alias table
$source = 'node/' .$vars['node']->nid;
$alias = db_query("SELECT alias FROM {url_alias} WHERE source = '$source'")->fetchField();
if ($alias != '') {
// build a suggestion for every possibility
$parts = explode('/', $alias);
$suggestion = '';
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($suggestion == '') {
// first suggestion gets prefaced with 'page--'
$suggestion .= "page--$part";
} else {
// subsequent suggestions get appended
$suggestion .= "__$part";
// add the suggestion to the array
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion;