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Getting started with fusion table maps

I have created a fusion table with data for a number for counties. This data looks something like this:

County  Boundary    Democrat    Republican  PercentageMen   AverageAge
1       kml         41          46          53              55
2       ...

How would you recommend I produce maps based on this data?

For example I want a gradient-shaded map showing the percentage voting democrat. I also want a map showing those counties that voted Republican where the average age is under 45, etc.

I then wish to show all these maps on a single web page.

Please direct me towards the relevant documentation and any relevant online examples.


  • to show the data on a map, I would use the FusionTablesLayers. They are part of the Google Maps API and are designed to show data from Fusion Tables on Google Maps.

    To get the basic idea, you can use the FusionTablesLayer Wizard, which gives you a skeleton to work with. Once you have your data on the map, you can start to style it. There are various options available to change the look of your polygons/lines/markers (see this example). By specifying the where-Clause of a style, you can change the styling based on your data (e.g. average age).

    Just remember that there is a limitation from Fusion Tables to 5 styling rules.