First time posting on this forum, and also very new to coding. Sorry if this is an easy question but I'm doing all sorts of things wrong.
The situation I want to save a screenshot, and I want to filename to be the current date like:
string path = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().ToString();
And I'm trying this:
ScreenCapture s = new ScreenCapture();
s.CaptureWindowToFile(this.Handle,(@"C:\images\" + path + ".png"), ImageFormat.Png);
which is a mess, and doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated even if you tell me to first learn more and then start with my own projects.
EDIT: The screencapture class I used:
You probably have invalid characters in your time string. Use:
You can change the order as you like. The order I wrote is "day, month, year, hour, minute, second"