I have this code:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.events.*;
var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({yoyo:true,repeat:1});
var timeline2:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:0,delay:12});
TweenLite.from(crno_mc, .2, {x:-450,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.from(plavo_mc, .2, {x:-450,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.from(network_mc, .6, {x:-450,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.from(computers_mc, .6, {x:-450,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.from(odzaci_mc, .6, {x:-450,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.from(adresa_mc, 1, {x:-350,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.to(adresa_mc, 1, {x:50,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
], 1, TweenAlign.SEQUENCE, .3);
TweenLite.to(krediti_mc, .2, {x:10,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.to(dodva_mc, .3, {x:10,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.to(nula_mc, 1, {x:10,ease:Bounce.easeOut}),
TweenLite.to(tel_mc, .6, {x:10,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
TweenLite.to(comp_mc, 1, {x:110,ease:Cubic.easeInOut}),
], 1, TweenAlign.SEQUENCE, .5);
How to loop this 2 tweens? When second animation finish, its stop.Is it posible to run one timeline after another in infinite loop ?
You can nest timelines within timelines as deeply as you want, so you could simply append both of your timelines to a master timeline that has a repeat:-1 (which means repeat forever). Add this below your existing code:
var master:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});