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cake console 2.2.1: Bake errors

OSX machine running MAMP. CakePHP 2.2.1 installed and configured properly (meaning that I have all green bars when I browse to the Index.php file, I have completed the Blogs tutorial and am working on my second app with which scaffolding is up and running). Now I am trying to Bake for the first time.

Per the cookbook (and others), I installed a fresh copy of cake into a directory (my users directory) and then put the path variable in my .bash_profile file export PATH="$PATH:/Users/p_scott/cake221/app/Console" after which I was able to go into Terminal, type cake and have the console come up. You can see that up to that point, I was invoking the console from the app directory.

I first tried running cake bake from the terminal using the -app parameter and designating the path to my practice apps. The first time I did this, I got the following

    Welcome to CakePHP v2.2.1 Console
    App : app
    Path: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/blog/app/
    Interactive Bake Shell
    [D]atabase Configuration
    [T]est case
    What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)
    > c
    Bake Controller
    Path: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/blog/app/Controller/
    \Use Database Config: (default/test)
    [default] >

No matter what I put in for the database (if I leave it blank, it asks me again), but any answer gives me the following error:

    Warning Error: PDO::__construct(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/mysql/mysql.sock) in    [/Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 149]

    Error: Database connection "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory" is missing, or could not be created.
    #0 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Model/Datasource/DboSource.php(260): Mysql->connect()
    #1 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Model/ConnectionManager.php(101): DboSource->__construct(Array)
    #2 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/ModelTask.php(906): ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default')
    #3 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/ControllerTask.php(396): ModelTask->getAllTables('default')
    #4 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/ControllerTask.php(419): ControllerTask->listAll(NULL)
    #5 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/ControllerTask.php(136): ControllerTask->getName()
    #6 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/ControllerTask.php(61): ControllerTask->_interactive()
    #7 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Command/BakeShell.php(113): ControllerTask->execute()
    #8 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/Shell.php(393): BakeShell->main()
    #9 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/ShellDispatcher.php(201): Shell->runCommand(NULL, Array)
    #10 /Users/p_scott/cake221/lib/Cake/Console/ShellDispatcher.php(69): ShellDispatcher->dispatch()
    #11 /Users/p_scott/cake221/app/Console/cake.php(33): ShellDispatcher::run(Array)
    #12 {main}

Once I started getting this error, I tried navigating in terminal to the <cake install dir>/app/Console folder and the <different instance of cake install dir>/app/Console folder to try the console from within my app/s. I either get the same errors or it asks me different questions, like:

    What is the path to the project you want to bake?  
    [/Users/p_scott/myapp] > /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/history/app 
    What is the path to the directory layout you wish to copy?  
    [/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/history/lib/Cake/Console/Templates/skel] > 

PHP CLI is installed and it appears to be working

    PHP 5.3.8 (cli) (built: Dec  5 2011 21:24:09) 
    Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
     Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies

My PDO support appears to be enabled. In terminal I typed:

    php --ri pdo
    PDO support => enabled
    PDO drivers => mysql, sqlite, sqlite2

I don't have a php.ini file in Apache (because I am on a Mac), but the one in the PHP 5.36 directory, I have the following extensions enabled:

After taking a break, I found an article ( that talks about a change of console location in 2.0. I should try using it from that location (<cake installed dir>/lib/Cake/Console ). Once I tried this, I either got the questions about what layout I wanted to use or... ONCE, I was able to get the bake application to ask me to create a database configuration. I went through the steps and it pooped out this error at the end:

Fatal error: Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/history/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/DbConfigTask.php on line 264

Which leads me to one more piece of info. This is my default DB configuration in the <cake installation dir>/history/app/Config/database.php file.


public $default = array(
    'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
    'persistent' => false,
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'login' => 'cakeHistoryUser',
    'password' => 'cakeHistoryPassword',
    'database' => 'cake_history',
    'prefix' => '',
    //'encoding' => 'utf8',

Before posting this question (and all of this information), I spend some quality time out here and it seems like most of my issues are or CLI related but I just don't see where I need to change something and hours and hours later, I need some help.

Help me Obi Wan, you are my only hope


  • The problem is you are trying to interact with the database via the command line, however the PHP-CLI is a different install than the one proveided by MAMP so it doesn't know about the database server.

    Try changing localhost to in your app/Config/database.php file and that should do the trick.