Here is a sample aerial image: ![aerial image of some unfrozen lakes][1]
How do I automatically detect and extract parameters of the black unfrozen lake from the image? I'm primarily using Python.
EDIT: see my answer below; I think I've found the solution.
Here is the quick way to do it in SimpleCV:
from SimpleCV import *
lakeimg = Image('') #load this image from web, or could be locally if you wanted.
invimg = lakeimg.invert() #we invert because blobs looks for white blobs, not black
lakes = invimg.findBlobs() # you can always change parameters to find different sized blobs
if lakes: lakes.draw() #if it finds blobs then draw around them #display the image
If you wanted you can always play with parameters, typically we use ratios to image size if you wanted it to be fairly robust. There are also a bunch of options in the Features class for drawing bounding boxes on a few blobs, etc.